A Union of Love: Embracing Christian Impact and Unity at St. Francis Chapel.

In the heart of Makerere, beneath the gentle embrace of the morning sun, St. Francis Chapel stood as a beacon of faith and community. On 28th of  April,2024, it hallowed halls witnessed a celebration of love, unity, and the enduring strength of marriage as the Mothers Union welcomed 63 radiant women into its embrace.

Mother’s union new members listening attentively for their names to be read out for enrollment.

As the clock struck eleven, the chapel came alive with the harmonious voices of the Mothers Union choir, their melodious tunes echoing through the sacred space. Their voices, a symphony of praise and worship, filled the air with a sense of reverence and joy, preparing the congregation for the transformative experience that awaited them.

Dressed in their resplendent blue and white gomesi, a symbol of solidarity and devotion, the great women in the choir led the congregation in heartfelt worship, their voices lifting spirits and inspiring hearts. Their songs, a testament to the power of faith and the beauty of community, welcomed all who gathered with open arms, inviting them to join in the celebration of love and unity. With the angelic voices, it seemed heaven on earth.

Mother’s union leading the choir during the service.

Amidst the soul-stirring melodies, anticipation hung thick in the air, each note serving as a prelude to the sermon that would touch hearts and renew spirits. As the congregation swayed to the rhythm of the music, a sense of unity and purpose enveloped them, binding them together in a shared experience of faith and fellowship


At the pulpit, Mrs. Christine Kintu, the esteemed provisional head of laity for the Province of Uganda, delivered a sermon that stirred the depths of the soul. Drawing from the sacred scriptures, she spoke of love, forgiveness, and the transformative power of faith. Her words, delivered with passion and conviction, resonated with all who listened, igniting a fire within their hearts and souls.

Boldly, she requested all gentlemen that had attended the service to stand up. Deep from her heart, she challenged them to love their wives like never before since they are part of their body.

In her impassioned address, Mrs. Kintu urged the congregation to embrace the teachings of Christ and to embody His love in their daily lives. She spoke of the importance of marriage as a sacred bond between two souls, united in love and commitment. Her words, a beacon of hope in a world often fraught with darkness, inspired all who listened to renew their faith and recommit themselves to the values of love and compassion.

With much emphasis on how children are a blessing from God, she further more challenged all the father figures to look out for their children both those that are known by their wives and those not known, to bless them since they hold the father’s blessing in their hands according to Genesis 49:26. ” Your father’s blessings are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains, than the bounty of the age old hills….

she further more reminded the women that the day was not just an event but a reminder to keep the right values of families and live Christ like lives and perfectly perform their roles not only in the families they were called to serve in but as well as in the outside world, bearing in mind mother’s union objectives.

With hearts aglow, they partook in the sacrament of Holy Communion, a sacred communion of souls united in faith and love.

As the strains of the Mothers Union anthem filled the air once more, a chorus of voices rose in joyful harmony, a hymn of praise to the blessed Virgin Mary. In this sacred moment, amidst the fellowship of kindred spirits, the congregation found solace and strength, bound together by a love that transcended earthly confines.

The importance of women in families and in nation-building resonated deeply within the hearts of all present. Women, the nurturers, the caretakers, the pillars of strength, stood at the foundation of society’s success. Their tireless efforts in building strong families ripple outwards, shaping the very fabric of nations. Let us cherish and appreciate the mothers in our lives, for their love and sacrifices know no bounds.

As the service drew to a close, the faithful spilled forth from the chapel, their hearts brimming with gratitude and joy. In the radiant glow of the morning light, they gathered before the chapel, capturing memories that would endure a lifetime. With laughter and smiles, they embraced the promise of a new day, their spirits buoyed by the bonds of love and community.

Later, in the warmth of fellowship, they gathered for a sumptuous luncheon, a feast of food and friendship shared in the spirit of love and unity. Among the honored guests was Miriam Matembe, a beacon of strength and resilience in Uganda’s political landscape, her presence a testament to the enduring impact of faith and love in the world.

In the sacred halls of St. Francis Chapel, love had triumphed once more, showcasing the enduring power of faith, unity, and the transformative impact of Christian love in the world.

Mrs.Leticia Iguma, the Chair person Mother’s Union St.Francis Chapel reading out names of the new entrants as they match to the alter with their ribs.

The Mothers Union, with its steadfast commitment to upholding Christ’s teachings on the nature of marriage and promoting its understanding, stood as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Through its tireless efforts to encourage parents to bring up their children in faith and the life of the church, the Mothers Union continued to be a guiding light in the community, nurturing hearts and souls with love and compassion.

The celebration at St. Francis Chapel served as a testament to the enduring significance of love, faith, and community in our lives. It was a reminder that, in a world often filled with uncertainty and turmoil, the bonds of love and the fellowship of believers offer a sanctuary of hope and strength. As the congregation dispersed, carrying with them the warmth and joy of the day’s festivities, they did so with renewed faith and purpose, ready to spread the light of love and compassion in their homes, their communities, and beyond.

4 responses to “A Union of Love: Embracing Christian Impact and Unity at St. Francis Chapel.”

    1. Penilopakamwesiga Avatar

      Thank you


  1. Ayebare Gerald Avatar
    Ayebare Gerald

    creative writer. Keep it up


    1. Penilopakamwesiga Avatar

      Thank you


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